Tue, 13 Sep 2022 | Selling

With schools, colleges, university courses and apprenticeships all beginning in September, the month carries with it the feeling of a fresh start – a feeling that does not quite vanish even after you leave education, or your children leave home. For many, it can feel like a second chance at achieving that New Year’s resolution you made nine months ago, or for creating new resolutions.

This general feeling of new beginnings makes September an excellent time to sell your home. Here’s why we think you should make it a ‘September to Remember’ this year by selling your property and finding your dream home.

The children are back at school

When the kids return to school, the parents breathe a collective sigh of relief – the house will be tidier, the days will be quieter, and you will now have time to resume your regular routines and return your attention to long-forgotten projects.

One of these projects might be moving house. During the summer holidays, it is so difficult to coordinate family holidays, hectic households and childcare with the valuations, viewings and various appointments involved in moving home. With the little ones safely out of the way, it’s a great time to get the house in shipshape and refocus your attention on selling your property.

The September rush has begun

Even if you do not have school-age children of your own, you can take advantage of this sudden surge of buyers looking to find their dream home in September. From home offices to larger bedrooms and gardens, the summer holidays present the perfect opportunity for families to re-evaluate their requirements for a family home.

Because of this, September is traditionally one of the busiest months in the property industry – second only to the New Year’s rush that comes in January! That’s why we call it September Selling Season. There is therefore a high chance that not only will there be ample properties on the market for you to choose from, but there’ll also be lots of buyers looking for homes like yours!

A return to normality from COVID

Physically, emotionally, and financially, many people are only just recovering from the COVID pandemic. Of course, the pandemic and its wide-reaching impacts are far from over, but with over 43 million people double vaccinated at time of writing and Prospect still doing everything we can to protect our clients and staff, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands when moving with us.

To read more about our COVID safety policy, click here.

The Christmas countdown has started

Yes, we just said the C-word! It might seem terribly early to start thinking about Christmas, but the reality is that towards the end of the year, it becomes a huge factor in people’s decision to move home.

The ‘will they, won’t they’ of getting into the new home for Christmas has started, meaning that serious buyers will be rushing to get their home on the market and make it into their new house to enjoy the festivities. Putting your house on the market in November just won’t cut it – with the average completion time currently at 12 weeks, now is the time to make that move, especially if it’s Christmas at yours this year!

The New Years’ resolution you never completed

Speaking of Christmas, we’re now in the final quarter of the year – meaning that time is running out for you to complete that New Years’ resolution you promised!

If you are one of those people thinking ‘we said we’d put the house on the market this year’, there’s still time to make your resolution a reality and avoid making the same resolution next year. Even if you don’t complete before Christmas, you can still rest easy knowing that you fulfilled the resolution you made at the beginning of the year – and start the New Year with a BANG(ing good house!)

All these factors make September a great time to sell your property, with a great deal of proceedable buyers looking for a home like yours. However, it is important to remember that despite the strong likelihood that you will have your pick of the buyers, it is still vital that you sell your current home before buying your next one. To have a chance of competing against this large number of proceedable buyers who will be viewing the same properties that you are, you need to be proceedable yourself – which means selling first and buying later.

With this in mind, make it a September to Remember this year and book your valuation with us today.
